The Most Popular Plastic Surgeries for 50+ Patients


There are many patients aged 50-70+ who benefit from the advancements in anti-aging technology and plastic surgery. Mature patients aren’t necessarily looking to shave 20+ years off of their appearance, but rather look refreshed and rejuvenated while aging slowly and gracefully. At Elements Spa board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Adibfar uses his decades of expertise to give his patients results that are natural-looking and conservative. Most patients do not want to look as though they have had a plastic surgery procedure. And mature patients (especially) are looking for results that are seamless and virtually undetectable. In this blog, we’ll be discussing some of the most popular plastic surgeries among patients aged 50+.

The Facelift

With aging comes more loose and sagging skin, wrinkles and creases, loss of structure, and skin damage. These signs of aging undoubtedly show up on the face. One of the most popular surgeries among more mature patients is the surgical facelift. By improving the elasticity of the skin and lifting any underlying structures of the face, patients benefit from a face that appears smoother, tighter, rejuvenated, structured, refreshed, and of course younger-looking. Sagging skin can also be removed allowing the face to look brighter, lighter, and with a more flattering profile.

The Necklift

For mature patients, a neck lift is very often completed alongside a facelift. This neck lift compliments the facelift by allowing for more seamless results and rejuvenation that looks more natural and undetectable. A neck lift can include the removal of excess skin, suturing of the platysma muscles in the neck to allow for a smoother and younger-looking neck contour, as well as rejuvenation of the jawline. A neck lift and facelift can be combined (usually within the same procedure) for the best results.

Eyelid Surgery

Many mature patients notice droopy or aging eyes and eyelids. Eyelid surgery—also known as blepharoplasty—rejuvenates the eyes with results that allow the eyes to look lighter, brighter, more open, vibrant, and younger. This is done by removing any excess skin on the top of the eyelid which has caused sagging, and/or excess fat deposits under the eyes which sometimes appear and develop due to genetics.


Nose jobs are incredibly popular plastic surgeries for young and mature patients. Mature patients opt for a rhinoplasty as they’ve come to a point where they simply dislike the shape, size, and projection of their noses and how their noses have grown and changed over the years. In the hands of an experienced plastic surgeon like Elements Spa’s Dr. Adibfar, a patient’s pesky insecurities can be addressed and corrected safely and conservatively, allowing for a patient’s facial features to look more proportioned and aesthetically pleasing.

Click here to learn more or to book a consultation with one of Toronto’s leading board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeons, Dr. Adibfar.

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